It's been real busy and will be more so until next week. I just got home from a beautiful wedding and now Hubby and I head to Marshall for his surgery. But I got a few minutes yesterday to take photos of our grove this fall. Some of the leaves are already brown because of our "mild" drought. But some, like the mulberries are really spectacular. So I thought I would share a few. I'll talk to you later. Red Twig Dogwood. Fall Mulberry Leaves. Wood Vine. Baby Buckthorn. Corn Ready for Harvest.
We retired to our piece of heaven in SW Minnesota in 2006 and have been happily clearing an over abundance of buckthorn and mulberry trees growing in between the American elms, maples and box elders. And I am now spending time on my favorite obsession, fiber: specifically wool. Our life is hard work at an easy pace. And I never want to go back to a city.